What You Learn Between Your Debut and Sophomore Novels with Author Olivia Wolfgang-Smith

+ The importance of writer friends

My guest today on CREATIVE. INSPIRED. HAPPY is Olivia Wolfgang-Smith, whose latest novel, Mutual Interest, has been described as a witty and joyful, queer Edith Wharton in gilded age New York.

Today, we talk about:

  • the most important benefit of having writer friends or critique partners

  • finding the belief in yourself that you can write a full-length novel

  • the difference between publishing a debut novel versus a sophomore novel, including whether it was easier to write a book the second time around

  • why she chose to hire a freelance publicist, and so much more.

I hope you enjoy the show!

Video version: Click on the video above to watch now

  • Captions and transcripts are available for all video episodes. (There’s a button on each episode that makes this easy for you).

Audio version:

» Past podcast episodes live HERE.

Want more of Olivia?

You can find Olivia on Instagram—including her tour info—and you can pick up a copy of her new novel, Mutual Interest, anywhere books are sold!