
How BookTok Creators Choose Which Books to Champion

+ Book trend predictions for 2025 and 2026

Hello, Protagonists!

My guests today on CREATIVE. INSPIRED. HAPPY are three massively popular creators in the book space on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Bindery: Jaysen Headley (a.k.a. Ezeekat), Zoranne Host, and Marines (Mari) Alvarez.

Today, we talk about:

  • how they discover books and how they choose which books they promote on their social media channels

  • weathering the changes that platforms like TikTok and others are undergoing

  • what it's like being a full-time or part-time creator

  • Bindery: a new way (beyond traditional publishing and self-publishing) for writers to connect with creators and publish books

    • what Zoranne, Jaysen, and Mari are looking to publish (the kinds of books/authors they want to work with)

    • how writers can submit their manuscripts to Bindery and the creators

  • book trend predictions for 2025 and 2026, and so much more.

I hope you enjoy the show!

🎥 Video version: Click on the video above to watch now

  • Captions and transcripts are available for all video episodes. (There’s a button on each episode that makes this easy for you).

🎧 Audio version:

» Past podcast episodes live HERE.

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Want more of Zoranne, Jaysen, and Mari?

Zoranne Host, Jaysen Headley, and Marines AlvarezZoranne Host, Jaysen Headley, and Marines AlvarezZoranne Host, Jaysen Headley, and Marines Alvarez

You can find these amazing creators here:

Zoranne: TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Bindery (Fantasy and Frens)

Jaysen: TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Bindery (Ezeekat Press)

Marines (Mari): TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Bindery (Mareas)