Lovely episode. I love the balance between "you have to put in the work and sometimes you'll have to work really hard" but also "there has to be joy in it and it has to remain something you have to enjoy". Life is all about balance.

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Wonderful summary, Sophie. I totally agree with your takeaways!

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I love, love, love this episode! And I love that you brought up about how yes sometimes there's luck involved, but more so that by putting yourself in situations and being out there and just organically growing relationships things can happen. I so often hear writers who become so jealous of others successes because they think some sort of lucky break was involved, but what everyone tends to not see is all the behind the scenes work that happens.

Thank you as always for such a great podcast and for being a champion for us writers!! :)

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You're welcome, Mesa! And thank you for asking the origin story question that helped kick off this episode!

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Evelyn--I absolutely love the work you do--every post and podcast is filled with kindness and generosity and optimism. (Which is why I'm happily upgrading to paid.) But that's not the point of my post....

There was so many great snippets in the interview, but the one I want to call out is the section about LUCK--and I believe J. Courtney says something along the lines that while she believes in luck and magic--it's HOW luck happens--or perhaps--how you take the steps to turn LUCK into FORTUNE by doing the work. It's not enough to say you want to write a novel--you actually have to sit at your computer--it's not enough to wish for an agent--you have to put yourself in situations that might open the door--or, with the entrepreneurs I coach--it's not enough to say you want to raise seed money--you have to go to every networking event you can. (Even if you're an introvert!)

Thanks again for investing your time and energy in the podcast and newsletter! 💜 Diana

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Wow, what a wonderful comment to greet me this morning as I'm first sitting down at my desk here on the West Coast. Thank you so much for this, Diana! I was just thinking about how much I love doing this podcast for you and getting to share all the wisdom and insights from other authors.

I'm thrilled to hear that the part about luck really echoed what you've learned and experienced from your career (I see from your profile that you're a former CEO!) I really agree with Courtney that luck can be made!

Thank you for upgrading to a paid subscription and supporting our scholarships for writers! I'm looking forward to knowing you better and cheering you on as you work on your own novel.

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