That was educational in a nice, straightforward, easy to understand package! Thank you for sharing - it was a fun read, too. Lots of food for thought for those who are on their own without the support of an established publishing house - still very relevant. Especially if you choose to work with a professional editor yet still self publi…
That was educational in a nice, straightforward, easy to understand package! Thank you for sharing - it was a fun read, too. Lots of food for thought for those who are on their own without the support of an established publishing house - still very relevant. Especially if you choose to work with a professional editor yet still self publish.
Truly the best part of it is your ability to boil down a very long and complicated process to a simple outline that will make anyone a more learned individual about publishing and ARCs. I’ve heard that this ability can be a hallmark of a true genius… a concept with which I agree.
I’ve saved this, and will return to it many times in the years to come no doubt. Again, my humblest appreciation! 😊👍
Yes, you got my implication perfectly. Shall we toddle off and join MENSA together now? Giggle. 🤭 I do seriously think it is genius to be able to put something that for new writers is scary and confusing into a nice format -and it removes some of that fear! Keep it up girl, you are simply fantastic.
That was educational in a nice, straightforward, easy to understand package! Thank you for sharing - it was a fun read, too. Lots of food for thought for those who are on their own without the support of an established publishing house - still very relevant. Especially if you choose to work with a professional editor yet still self publish.
Truly the best part of it is your ability to boil down a very long and complicated process to a simple outline that will make anyone a more learned individual about publishing and ARCs. I’ve heard that this ability can be a hallmark of a true genius… a concept with which I agree.
I’ve saved this, and will return to it many times in the years to come no doubt. Again, my humblest appreciation! 😊👍
Oh my goodness, Meg, did you just imply that I'm a genius? I am blushing so hard that you can probably feel it on the other side of *your* screen.
Thank you for your kind compliments, and I am so happy to be able to shed some light on what is often a confusing process!
Yes, you got my implication perfectly. Shall we toddle off and join MENSA together now? Giggle. 🤭 I do seriously think it is genius to be able to put something that for new writers is scary and confusing into a nice format -and it removes some of that fear! Keep it up girl, you are simply fantastic.
Sending you allll the heart emojis (which for some reason are not coming up on my keyboard right now!)